Sunday, May 7

bits of Barnabe Barnes' Sestine 4.

was reading on poetic forms, came upon an old sestine... heres a taste of the poem for short attention spans, though in my attempt to 'showcase' it, the sestine's broken. But then i don't fancy it for its 6line stanzas anyway, i like it cause...... you will see

from ...Eccho, what shall I do to my Nymphe, when I goe to behold her? [ Parthenophil and Parthenophe 1593]

Eccho, what shall I do to my Nymphe, when I goe to behold her?

Eccho, hold her.

So dare I not, least she should thinke that I make her a pray then?

Eccho, pray then.

…Yea but I greatly feare, she will haue pure thoughtes to refuse such?

Eccho, fewe such. / ...//

Such will I seeke but what shall I do when I first shall attempt her?
Eccho, tempt her.

How shall I tempt her eare she stand on termes of her honor?
Eccho, on her.

Oh might I come to that! I thinke it is euen so
Eccho, tis euen so.

Strongly to tempt, and moue (at first) is surely the best then?
Eccho, the best then. /….. //

What (when they do repugne, yet cry not forth) will they do then?
Eccho, do then.

With such a blunt proeme, Ladies shall I moue neuer
Eccho, euer.

I must waite at an inche on such Nymphes whom I regard so
Eccho, guarde so.

Those whom in hart I loue, my faith doth firmely deserue such
Eccho, serue such.

Then (to become their slaues) is no great dishonor?
Eccho, honor.

But to the muses (first) I will recommend her
Eccho, commende her //……

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