Tuesday, June 13

as the pomfret sat marignating (is that how you spell it? with a g?) .... the parsheymaach fried..

then...the pomfret was laid to be put in the oven... it smelt like green things smell. wholesome and slight garlicky teekha tangyish. hmmmm...

as the pomfret grilled, the brown and yellow mustard seeds ground on the big black stone..
and shorshey bata parsheymaach making the eyes run already.

hmmm....... meanwhile. pomfret was out! crisp on top... hmmm. browning...

but then...we forgot about the chicken... damn!


Pizzicato Hana said...


Nitish said...

not only did you have to
cut up so much living flesh to
eat and make merry, you had to
post it on the blog too?
