Tuesday, April 25


Today I will write about the dithyramb
the god of the wine press and the winnowing fan

Tragedy (tragis + odie) : the song of the goat. The goat that stood for human at the alter of Dionysus.
a satyr half-human half-goat wailed a lament while he hacked
a lament for the kill..... a lament for the guilt..... a lament while the choruses sang
....................................................................... and danced the dithyramb

Winning poet awarded a bull

to evoke Dionysus ....The one to whom the greeks sacrificed shattered pottery in hope that no more be shattered at war
Dionysus is bromius – he of the loud shout
Dionysus is dendrites – he of the trees
Dionysus is dithyrambus – he of the double door
The one of the wine press and the winnowing fan
The one they tried to sell as slave to Asia
filled the vessel with ivy and flutes so the sailors went mad leaped into sea and turned into dolphins

The one that passed out at king Midas’ garden near the roses



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